Friday, September 16, 2011

I'm A Bird Watcher!

Ever think about the amount of shows about birds on network TV. Here is an idea to pitch to the excutives and big wigs at CBS...Uncle Quigley: Birdmaster. Much of this family friendly documentary style nature show will revolve around the zany goings ons of Uncle Quigley and his large bird named Chicken Crow. There are close up shots of Chicken Crow decapitating mice and swooping down to snatch berries. Once in a while Uncle Quigley will fly into town on Chicken Crow's back as they go into town to make collect calls on a payphone mostly to settle bills and contact loved ones. The great thing about family programming is the ability to warm peoples heart and loosen their grip on their hard earned cash. There is a full line of T-Shirts, Mouse Pads, and Calendars available at the website. This is a sure rocket to the top of the ratings pile. Get creative now.